Ebony is a non-European hardwood and the term is used to denote black (or black streaked) wood obtained from black hardwood trees belonging to the Diospyros genus. Its heartwood, which is very hard and heavy, is one of the most valuable types of wood. Ebony is principally used for inlays and veneers as well as for musical instruments, carving and decorative woodworking. In former times it was a popular choice for door, window and cutlery handles. Offcuts are used to make knitting needles and crochet hooks or also for knife handles. In mythology, magic and esoterism ebony is often said to have magical properties. It is therefore believed that houses with ebony pillars can ward off evil spirits, while weapons made from
ebony can wound devils. The best-known mention of ebony in legends and fairy tales must surely be the story of Snow White, whose hair was said to be as black as ebony.

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